I am Paul-Christian Britz aka @pcbritz.
I am a journalist and photographer specializing in business and what happens behind the scenes of big money for href=”http://twitter.com/dw_business”>@dw_business. I also like to discover cultures all over the world first hand. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the latest pictures and stories!
I completed my MA in American Studies, Political Science and Film Studies at the University of Mainz, Germany in November 2011.
My thesis “After the Death of Journalism in the US: Reinventing Reporting on the Web” is an analysis of the changing practices within investigative journalism in the US through online culture. If you would like to read the analysis of mainstream media such as the Washington Post and New York Times, contact me.
Or you can read the German Summary.
My works have been published or aired at Test, Finanztest and test.de by Stiftung Warentest, Südwestrundfunk, Rhein-Zeitung, EMS Blog and HOWL Magazine. For work samples, check out this site and my blog.
Find me Elsewhere:
If you care to find me in other places online, you can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and if you want all my updates, find me on FriendFeed.
Also check out Campus Mainz – a project I have been working on with friends at the University of Mainz since early 2011.
More questions? Recommendations on travel destinations? Need a media production?
Shoot me an e-mail at portfolio@pcbritz.com
To send me an encrypted message, please use my PGP key.